On 2022-10-19 14:25, Stefano Bagnara via mailop wrote:
On Wed, 19 Oct 2022 at 13:32, Heiko Schlittermann via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
A given mailhost (ran privately for smaller entities) can't send
messages to T-Online anymore.

  554 IP= - A problem occurred. …

Do you get this error at the connection or after you transmitted the message?

It happens while connecting, so it's blocking on the IP address.

Even though I'm a tiny "provider" (4 users :), I've sent an e-mail to postmas...@rx.t-online.de (note the "rx", which you need if you are being blocked from contacting the usual postmas...@t-online.de address), to let them know that their users will be missing a lot of e-mails (Germany is quite "diverse" ISP-wise).

Maybe they'll reconsider (not because of my e-mail, but because of the flood of complaints that should be — surely? — arriving :).

We'll see..
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