> On 13.07.2023 at 17:55 Bill Cole via mailop wrote:
> It's not at all logically hard to meet that arbitrary requirement, you just 
> need a zone cut everywhere you have a MX record. I've run a DNS and mail 
> hosting environment that way. Zone files are very small and numerous. 
> *Logistically* changing an existing zone with many MXs for subdomains to that 
> model could be a  serious chore.

It has already been mentioned in the discussion last month but to reiterate: 
You can send emails from random.subdomain.scconsult.com to Yahoo just fine as 
long as scconsult.com has a SOA record, which is and has always been mandatory 
anyway. IMHO this requirement by Yahoo is a non-issue and automatically met by 
everyone except three groups:
1. Domains with misconfigured DNS as seen in this thread.
2. DNS zones that span over multiple different organizational domains as seen 
in the thread last month. Domains under different administrative control must 
not share the same SOA record.
3. Emails from made-up domain names, ie from spammers or other miscreants.

BR Oliver


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