On 13.07.2023 at 00:38 Robert L Mathews via mailop wrote:

> Aside from anything else, it implies that SOA records can be easily added to 
> solve this, similar to how you add MX or A records. But that is usually not 
> the case: SOA records can exist only at a DNS zone delegation boundary, not 
> at the level of any arbitrary hostname.
> I know AOL/Yahoo folks are on here. IS it intentional to be this restrictive, 
> effectively introducing a new DNS requirement for mail senders? If so, this 
> is going to be a problem for many people.
> To give a concrete example of the difficulty, we host mail and DNS for 
> "cityname.or.us". Our system generates a DNS zone file that originally looked 
> like:
>  $ORIGIN cityname.or.us
>  @  SOA   ns1.tigertech.net. a.tigertech.net. ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
>  @  MX 0  mx.tigertech.net.
>  @  A
>  @  (SPF and DKIM records omitted for brevity)

The requirement is actually less restrictive as it only requires a SOA record 
and not additional A, AAAA or MX records in DNS.
It is not necessary that every hostname has a SOA record, that indeed would be 
unreasonable. Yahoo only requires a SOA record for the organizational domain 
(base domain). As "or.us" has been added to the PSL and the owner wants it to 
be treated as a TLD, a SOA record is required for westfir.or.us, however none 

BR Oliver

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