On Thu, 24 Aug 2023 11:30:19 -0600, Anne Mitchell via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

>Well, and also *confirming* the email address to start with.

Let's think about Heather, a mother of three in eastern Kansas, who signed up
a while ago for real estate topics, presumably at a co-reg site of some sort.

Cometh now some e-penders, who have the co-reg database with ALL of the
personal information that Heather gave the site, but somehow managed to
associate my email address with that specific datawad:  Now I get all of the
stuff that the e-penders' customers have in store for Heather, about real
estate and many unrelated topics.  To prove their bona fides, they often
include personal detail morsels from that datawad.

As a result, over the years, I have Heather's full name, date of birth,
physical address, driver license facsimile, photographs of her home and her
family's two vehicles, the names and ages of her children, and the names and
locations of the schools they attend.

"Heather", like "Nadine", is not her real name, for obvious reasons.

>Because not doing so, (oh gosh *especially* for delivery services!) can lead 
>to very bad outcomes, and even liability for the sender!

Imagine that.  There are times when my opposition to the death penalty suffers

At least I get to cancel healthcare service accounts, Amazon accounts,
insurance policies, and for others, to change their forgotten password to
%Disabled0.   Then trash all of the desperate password recovery emails; I
couldn't wise up the victim no matter how intense my desire might be, since
for their privacy all personal details have been elided.  

Just like CitiBank sending me ALL account update mails for a certain MD Rahman
somewhere in New York.  FOR YEARS.  And refusing to do ANYTHING about 
that -- I can't validate myself as the account holder, so it is utterly
impossible to change the contact email address.  Call back when I have MD
Rahman's DOB and SSAN, thanks for being a loyal Citi customer.  ("But... but I
can tell you the current balance on the accouts, and the last five deposits
and withdrawals to each of them (his financial situation has improved -- he
now has balances north of $40K, when he used to get lots of overdraft 
notices -- Yay, MD!), and the name of the person MD talked to the last time he
visited his local branch!")

The hits just keep on coming for poor "Nadine".     See the sad tale 
of email lists gone horribly wrong at <http://www.honet.com/Nadine/>
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