On 2024-03-25 at 11:47:11 UTC-0400 (Mon, 25 Mar 2024 15:47:11 +0000)
Michael Irvine via mailop <m...@greatsys.com>
is rumored to have said:

how can we guarantee it to the inbox if many of the users mark it as SPAM and potentially blocks other communication.

You cannot. The fact that you have an email address is not any sort of evidence that the person who receives mail at that address knows anything about why you have it, much less evidence that you have their permission to send mail to it.

E.g. Were you to send such email to my most public address, it would be spam and I'd treat it as such, because while I have no debts to be collected, I am blessed with a fair number of people have given out that address maliciously over the past 2 decades; I get a lot of spam aimed at me by people who think I want (or deserve?) it. I don't care how anyone might have my address, if they send mail to it without permission, that email IS spam. So I expect to see none of your mail, but I would expect that *some* people receiving it legitimately can *AND SHOULD* report it as the spam that it is (for them.)

This is not good nor is it fair. It is a reality that is not going to change any time soon. I wish courts and legislators had enough basic technical comprehension to prohibit the use of email as a form of service for anything legal but they do not, never have, and likely never will. So you are going to do something (that you must do) which is intrinsically stupid and rude to a mix of some people who arguably deserve it and some whom you can only hope will be sympathetic and not report it as spam. Hopefully some day the dysfunction will provide enough negative feedback to make what you are doing illegal instead of unavoidable.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
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