On Mon, 25 Mar 2024 15:47:11 +0000, Michael Irvine via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

>I can't say the specific lenders, but I can say that it is not just bank and 
>money lending. We have clients who are from the courts and other 3rd parties 
>that do not fully validate the email that is given to them. We still must take 
>it as there are no good ways to get the correct known email for a person. When 
>we started, we worked to clean up the list and asked them to pass along to the 
>3rd party that we need the list to be better cleaned as there were many bad 
>emails (I have seen many bad and incorrect emails listed). We also have setup 
>the blacklist for those emails that have been sent, but failed due to 
>non-existent mailbox, full mailbox, etc. 
>The problem I am trying to fix is that these are legal emails and I need a way 
>to signal that to the providers. With many states and USA government stating 
>that email is a legal form of communication, how can we guarantee it to the 
>inbox if many of the users mark it as SPAM and potentially blocks other 

If such a mechanism were put in place, it would be inevitable that soon EVERY
spam would bear the marks of "this is a government-mandated legal document
which MUST be delivered".  

From the UK, I regularly receive legal notices, trial summaries, updates from
various government offices...  at an account that I established at Yahoo! in
1986 and have never used to communicate with foreign governments.

Even if some legal authority somewhere declares that email is required to be a
completely reliable communication channel with legally mandated delivery
requirements, email will be unchanged:  it is a medium in which your message
may be delivered, unless it isn't, in which case it won't be.

         "There are no laws here, only agreements."  
                -- Masahiko

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