On 16/07/2024 13:31, Taavi Eomäe via mailop wrote:
On 16/07/2024 14:34, Jeff Pang via mailop wrote:
The new players (5,6,7,8) seem to support well on modern email standard (DKIM, SPF, DMARC, DANE, MTA-STS). Anyone is using those new systems?

We are using both WildDuck at a rather respectable scale. We migrated away from the software at the top of that list for various reasons, scalability being one.

It should be noted that both Stalwart and Maddy on that list are very new. Stalwart especially so, it hasn't even reached version 1.x yet, but it looks very promising.

I have one question about that: is there any potential problem if you run a mail server licensed with AGPLv3?
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