Op 15-07-2024 om 16:39 schreef Jeff Pang via mailop:

When I deploy a new mailserver, I consider postfix, exim and qmail.

Why not try something completely different, like https://www.xmox.nl/ ?

It installs in minutes (literally) and gives you, out-of-the-box, everything you want with regard to DMARC, DKIM, SPF, MTA-STS, STARTTLS and even DANE.

It has a built-in webmail-interface, but also supports IMAP4 and it even does some junk filtering:


Mox may not be as versatile as Postfix, Exim or Qmail, but it certainly fulfilled my needs and I was more than pleasantly surprised when I tried it.

Depending on your needs, it might be worth a try.


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