Quote/Cytat - Kim Vandry <van...@tzone.org> (Fri 18 Dec 2015 05:12:21 AM CET):

> Hi Janusz,
> On 2015-12-17 23:20, Janusz S. Bien wrote:
>> I have now another problem:
> We're making progress!


>> STARTTLS: server name "zjb.waw.pl" != certificate common name "*.home.pl"


> Does your IMAP server have an alternative host name (alias) that is
> <something>.home.pl?

Yes, it was even in the FAQ.

However now I cannot log in:

Finding all currently existing messages...
IMAP authentication failed

The same problem when I use telnet:

telnet serwer123456.home.pl 143
a1 NO Login incorrect

Following http://www.anta.net/misc/telnet-troubleshooting/imap.shtml

I tried also

openssl s_client -connect serwer123456.home.pl:993 -quiet

with the same outcome.

Thi time I've reported the problem to the provider and i'm waitin for  
an answer.

Best regards


Prof. dr hab. Janusz S. Bień -  Uniwersytet Warszawski (Katedra  
Lingwistyki Formalnej)
Prof. Janusz S. Bień - University of Warsaw (Formal Linguistics Department)
jsb...@uw.edu.pl, jsb...@mimuw.edu.pl, http://fleksem.klf.uw.edu.pl/~jsbien/

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