Am 27.06.13 06:28, schrieb Kadal Amutham:
My simple question why this wastage of effort and what purpose it serves?
You see this not only in Free software. How meny foundations for cancer exists worldwide? or how many organizations cares about people with disability. I can tell you stories of paralell efforts in Sport handicap. We in Switzerland has alown 4 head organizations for sport handicap, and this in a small country like Switzerland.

There are different reasons for this behavure. One of the moast important is the unwillingness to make compromises personal interests and egoisme. An aditional problem of free software is the ability to fork wich is at the same time a big avantage. You have not to start from the scratch. If you are unhappy with the project, you can simply take the source, and doing your own docfood. The problem is, you can split a project very fast, but bring it togeter again is much harder. OpenOffice and LibreOffice are similar, but not the same. mainly in the way we did the work, we have big differences. We have a different developing strategy. LibO for exemple allows desicions outside Mailing lists. At Apache this is forbidden. The release process of LibO is much easyer as the one of Apache OpenOffice, but esyer means also less restrictiv.

And last but not least, there are huge commercial interests in both project. Don't forget, the program it self is 90 % and more done by paid developers, not by volunteers. This is the case for Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice. We at Apache call all volunteers, but this dosn't mean, that this people are not payed for there work. Same are not, yes, but many are.

Greetings Raphael

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