Am 27.06.13 08:17, schrieb Kadal Amutham:
And last but not least, there are huge commercial interests in both
project. Don't forget, the program it self is 90 % and more done by paid
developers, not by volunteers. This is the case for Apache OpenOffice and
LibreOffice. We at Apache call all volunteers, but this doesn't mean, that
this people are not payed for their work. Same are not, yes, but many are.

Things are getting more complicated now. So the effort of volunteers
are commercialized. If the above statement is true, then it is better to
call volunteers as unpaid laborers.
Yes, and you have to live with it. I say everytime, free software is no carity, it is height commercial, No matter if you take Linux, OpenOffice or Apache HTTP. But this is not a problem, this is the way it works. You are simply not able to run big projects on a pure volunteer base. Companies make Billions $ with OpenSource. but they put also a lot of menpower into it. Without this manpower big project will never left experimental status. It's a giving ant taking. Same people think Open Source is against the big companies. This was maybe the case in the very first years. But the fact is, Big companies feeding OSS. Remember, OpenOffice was a comercial product. It was StarOffice and SUN released it under a OSS Lisence. Without SUN we would not have OpenOffice and all it's devirate today.

Greetings Raphael

With Warm Regards

V.Kadal Amutham

On 27 June 2013 11:38, Alexandro Colorado <> wrote:

Software is about ideas, freedom is about taking those ideas the way you
want to. Forking is something that is natural in real life all the time.
You take ideas from others, make it your own, and share your version of the
idea. The Apache philosophy is a different set of ideas than the GPL one.

It would be very insensitive to tell 2 different people to forget their
ideas and work together because they are doing the same thing. Also just
because you don't agree doesnt mean we will do as you say.

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 12:56 AM, Kadal Amutham <> wrote:

I am new to this FLOSS world. But it appears to me as follows.

We are complicating ourselves and get entangled into the complication.

With Warm Regards

V.Kadal Amutham

On 27 June 2013 11:02, Alexandro Colorado <> wrote:

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 11:28 PM, Kadal Amutham <>
My simple question why this wastage of effort and what purpose it
Because we have two different licenses, Apache and GPL. These are
incompatible, there really is legal ramifications and benefits to have
different licensed code of the same source. That said, this happens a
in fLOSS, gnome vs kde, emacs, vs vim, sodipodi vs inkscape.

FLOSS is the hability to fork.

With Warm Regards

V.Kadal Amutham

On 27 June 2013 09:25, Alexandro Colorado <> wrote:

you can argue the same thing for every different linux distro. Thre
mantainers of the same software packages on two (or actually many)
distributions which are different FTP servers all over the internet
end up on the same mirrors. Volunteers do repetitive marketing and
localization tasks for each distro.

welcome to free software.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 10:50 PM, Kadal Amutham <
Both LibreOffice and OpenOffice are developed by fully / mostly
volunteers. Both serve the same purpose. Two separate teams of
are doing the same work. In both teams, many volunteers are
same sentences repeatedly.

As you are aware volunteers are not paid. So the time and effort
volunteers are very precious and one should be very careful that
no wastage. In my opinion any wastage of volunteers effort and

I am sorry to say that this crime is happening in both  LO and

V.Kadal Amutham

Alexandro Colorado
Apache OpenOffice Contributor

Alexandro Colorado
Apache OpenOffice Contributor

Alexandro Colorado
Apache OpenOffice Contributor

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