On 1/4/10, CeJ <jann...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is one follow directed to CB.
> On the near moribund PEN-L

CB: Who told you ? A ghost ?


you stated that Obama didn't criticize
> Clinton much. Actually he did.

CB: Not when I was watching the campaign.  He specifically talked
about the last _eight_ years.  He was running as a regular Democrat.
Why would he criticize the previous Democrat ?


He didn't really identify himself with
> the Clinton presidency very much at all and even said Reagan was a
> more important leader to his sense of politics. I think all that was
> before he and Hilary and BIll started exchaning pot shots because H.
> was losing.


CB: Even then , he didn't target Bill Clinton. He really didn't
criticize Hillary Clinton that much. He didn't have to. Suddenly, he
had a commanding lead. It was shocking.


> But I don't think you will find much difference between Obama and the
> establishment guy who really gave him his biggest break--John Kerry.
> And you saw very early on Kerry endorsing Obama, long before his
> victory over H. was assured.
> The biggest difference between Obama and Kerry would have to be that
> the largely inchoate populist independents didn't vote for Kerry but
> they did vote for Obama. Perhaps the large African-American turnout
> also helped (did more register and vote that for the usual imperialist
> Democrat?).   It was a similar such populist outpouring that got
> Carter in.
> So far I find Obama to be most similar to Carter of all the presidents
> so far, except in the Carter era the shame over the Vietnam war and
> its unpopularity kept major expansion of US militarism in check, at
> least in fiscal terms, until the last year of the Carter presidency.
> Obama has wholeheartedly embraced the Reagan
> approach to the military and security apparatuses--give them more and
> more until they ask for more and more then give them even more than
> that.
> A fiscal reckoning is drawing near for the guy though.

CB:  I thought he was a deficit hawk (smile)

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