Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Exactly right.

The CP has been yowling about the impending fascist menace every four years to 
explain why we  must vote for whatever candidate the Democrats put up: "Stop 
The Drift Towards Fascism!" 

A mass movement funded from above, taking over the streets, employing highly 
organized physical violence under a smokescreen of socialist/populist rhetoric 
to destroy unions, and send anything remaining of the left to the hospital 
and/or prison has not yet emerged. 

As Proyect points out, it is unnecessary.

Using the term "fascist" as a vulgar epithet has risks.

Wasn't one of Aesop's Fables about "The Boy Who Cried Fascist"?


-----Original Message-----
>From: Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com>
>Sent: Mar 10, 2014 8:21 PM
>To: Thomas F Barton <thomasfbar...@earthlink.net>
>Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fascism?
>On 3/10/14 8:04 PM, Charles Faulkner wrote:
>> do you agree we should have a more current/flexible definition of fascism 
>> nearly 70 years after the fall of historical fascism?
>In the early days of Marxmail, long before I began blogging (indeed, 
>there was no such thing as blogging at the time), I posted a series of 
>articles about fascism that was prompted by fears by some that the 
>Buchanan campaign marked a fascist threat. If I sound a bit jaded on 
>these questions, it is only because I have been hearing it since 1967 
>when I joined the SWP. Back then it was the Wallace campaign. Now it is 
>the Tea Party. None of this makes sense when ordinary bourgeois 
>democracy is knocking the labor movement on its ass. When the Boeing 
>machinists go out on strike to defy a wage freeze and use dynamite 
>against the cops, like German strikers did in the early 20s, then you 
>should begin paying attention to fascists being called in to reinforce 
>capitalist law and order.

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