Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

At 12:03 06-07-14 -0400, you wrote:
>Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
>On 7/6/14 11:55 AM, Jeff wrote:
>> Actually that is wrong (usually, at least). If someone just hits "Reply",
>> then the new email acquires 2 recipients in the "To:" field. One email goes
>> to the list server and is forwarded to the list members, and the other one
>> goes directly to the author of the mail that was replied to. So in this
>> case, Louis should be receiving TWO copies of this email, one directly from
>> "Jeff", and the other one as a member of the list from "Jeff via Marxism."
>I only received one email. 

Well that's real funny, because I just got two emails from you!!

> It is a bit confusing but Mailman sorts this 

No, the mail server couldn't possibly "sort it out" because it only
received one of the emails, not the one that was sent (using the internet,
as usual) directly to the sender. I'm sure others can attest to having
received such double copies as I have described (and just received myself).

I cannot understand why Lou doesn't observe this himself. Perhaps his email
program collapses what it perceives as duplicates, though that's hard to
imagine. Or perhaps he has two different addresses and is only looking at
one. But there is no question that what I described is the case.

> The bigger problem is that sometimes when you do a "reply", the 
>list address is dropped, never the person who wrote the email. That is 
>to watch out for. Specifically, in this instance when I replied, I had 
>to add the list address

Well that has never happened to me, but is interesting. The email that I
sent out a few minutes ago includes the following header:

Reply-To: Jeff <meis...@xs4all.nl>,
        Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition

Therefore if your email program is properly honoring the Reply-To header,
it should have composed an email to both addresses. But all this shows is
that email programs are not totally standardized, even dealing with plain
email. But don't imagine that everyone's system is exactly the same as
yours, or that I am just "imagining" that I get duplicate emails in the
exact way I described for the exact reason I described!

- Jeff

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