Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

At 12:26 06-07-14 -0400, Les Schaffer via Marxism wrote:
>can you check that you do not have a double filter rule that copies the
>same message twice ... we have discovered this with two Outlook users.
>its an honest enough mistake to check once.

No, I'm quite sure that isn't the case and wouldn't explain exactly what I
have described. Rather, when Lou sent an email to the list (but which also
included my address) I received two similar emails, one from "Louis Proyect
via Marxism <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>" (sent by the list, with the
added Rule #1 etc.) and one from "Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com>" sent
directly by his personal email account.

Les, do you not likewise receive two copies of THIS email (which I just hit
"reply" to, thus containing both addresses), as I have described? If not,
then I am really confused. But aside from what Lou reported, it all makes
sense given the Reply-To that is generated by the list server in its latest

- Jeff

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