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I’m not sure I understand what point you’re making...the insinuation seems to 
be along the lines of ‘the lady doth protest too much’? I’m also unsure about 
who you would identify as ‘the left’ in the UK; the only thing really happening 
here is Momentum. Nobody takes the swp seriously anymore since Martin Smith, 
Corbyn, Lexit; the average age of its membership is frightening – one cold 
winter and the party would be decimated. And for the time being, Left Unity 
function as an adjunct to Momentum as far as I can see. 

Anyway, having now read the Huff Post article, and with more incidents reported 
today, I would have to say I’m feeling more than a dose of buyer’s remorse. Re: 
Seymour’s article - Nobody on the far left that I know of ever thought of the 
EU ref as anything but a toss-up between two shitty options (he seems to infer 
he’s some sort of seer working for the institute of the brain-numbingly 
obvious). Plus he seems more than comfortable indulging Project Sneer himself. 

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