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I'm not saying eat chicken rather than beef or beef rather than
pork..or animals rather than beans. I'm not talking about consumption
so much as ecology.

If you review the carbon farming figures they are impressive as
regards drawing down atmospheric carbon. And given that even if we
ceased the output of most of our carbon emissions today we'd still be
stuck with the ever rising impact of those that have been  pumped out
so much over the last 200 years.

That's the nub of the issue. Not only are our agricultural systems
unsustainable but they are potentially one of the best tools we have
on hand to CONSCIOUSLY reverse some of the climate consequences that
have already registered.

What that means for CONSUMPTION is an open question...but we really do
need to begin the transition NOW.

Simple measures are things like moving livestock back into
horticultural areas  to feed on crop residues and adjusting grazing
habitats in line with rotational protocols. This latter aspect is
taking off in Australia, North America and parts of Africa. the added
advantage is that grasses survive droughts better because the elevated
SOC and aquifers hold more water.

Crucial to that is the business of what's called 'rewilding'  -- where
sections of farms are returned to ungrazed native vegetation cover.
This can  also be akin to the various agroforestry approaches like
Silvopasture. However, the main rationale is to sustain diversity and
reverse species loss while fostering habitats and species that service
productive agriculture and grazing.

dave riley
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