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nada wrote:
>  Harvey Wasserman is so wrong on so many facts that he consistently gets 
> chewed up on even liberal, mostly anti-nuclear blogs like the Daily Kos. 
> Most serious anti-nuclear groups simply won't used his FUD (Fear, 
> Uncertainty and Doubt) 'method' to debate the issue of nuclear energy.
> For example, he views, always, the Nuclear Renaissance through the very 
> myopic vision of the U.S. No one, even the nuclear industry lobby group 
> the Nuclear Energy Institute, uses this term in any serious way for 
> developments in the United States. It is a term, which Harvey can't get 
> his small mind around, for a global phenomenon where dozens of nuclear 
> plants ARE being built (about 40 right now, perhaps twice that over the 
> next 18 months).

For newcomers to Marxmail, it should be understood that David's 
support for nuclear power is not typical of the Marxist left. To 
my knowledge, the only groups with this position included the 
Frank Furedi led RCP which mutated into the libertarian Spiked 
Online website (it now supports nuclear power in the name of 
"growth" rather than a warped interpretation of the CM), the 
German Marxist-Leninist sect Neue Einheit (now defunct) and the 
Spartacist League in the USA (I can't provide evidence of this, 
however, since so little of their ravings is on the Internet.)

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