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UK MEP Tony Benn:

"Then in 1955 President Eisenhower launched the 'Atoms for 
                    Peace' programme and many people, including me, saw this as 
                    a classic example of 'beating swords into ploughshares' and 
                    strongly supported civil nuclear power in Britain, a view 
                    I still held when, in 1966 I was appointed Minister of 
                    with responsibility for the development of that programme.
                   I was told, believed and argued publicly that civil nuclear 
                    power was cheap, safe and peaceful and it was only later 
                    I learned that this was all untrue since, if the full cost 
                    of development and the cost of storing long-term nuclear 
                    is included in the calculations nuclear power is three 
                    the cost of coal when the pits were being closed on 

                    Nuclear power is certainly not safe as we know from 
                    at Windscale (now renamed Sellafield), from Three Mile 
                    in America and Chernobyl in the Ukraine, dangers which the 
                    authorities have always been determined to downplay.

                   Nor are Britain's civil nuclear power stations peaceful 
                    as for many years, and still possibly today, the plutonium 
                    they produce was sent to fuel the American nuclear weapons 
                    programme, making them into - what were in effect - bomb 

                   At no stage, as a minister, could I rely on being told the 
                    truth either by the Industry itself, or by my own civil 
                    who may or may not have known it themselves.
                   Some dramatic examples of misinformation which made a deep 
                    impression on me converted me from being a supporter to a 
                    very strong opponent of the whole nuclear power programme.

                   Once, in Japan, a Japanese minister asked me how we were 
                    getting on with the task of clearing up the fire at 
                    years before, of which I was wholly unaware.


                    When I raised this with my officials they replied that as 
                    it had occurred before I took office they had not wanted to 
                    'bother me' with it, all this at a time when I was arguing 
                    that nuclear power was safe.

                   The same excuse, that it was 'before my time', was offered 
                    when I discovered that stolen plutonium had gone to Israel 
                    forming the basis of their own atomic weapons programme.
                   And, most serious of all, I heard from the Chairman of the 
                    Atomic Energy Authority, that when in 1957 the Soviet 
                    plant at Khysthm had a major accident the US Central 
                    Agency, which had picked this up on their own monitoring 
                    notified the AEA but had told them not to tell British 
                    in case it shook public confidence in Nuclear power, using 
                    that as the reason why I had not been informed.

                   And it was only after the 1979 election that I heard from 
                    a senior scientist in the Generating Board, that while I 
                    actually a minister, and unknown to me, plutonium from our 
                    civil nuclear power stations was being sent to America for 
                    their own military programme.
                   Nuclear power is expensive, dangerous and all about the 
                    Bomb, using the generation of electricity as a cover to 
                    the public so that the arms programme can be munitioned.
                   The decision to proceed with the MOX fuel plant at 
                    against the strong opposition of the Irish and Norwegian 
                    which fear radioactive discharges, suggests that the prime 
                    minister is determined to go ahead with nuclear power, 
                    the German government have decided to decommission 19 
                    reactors of their own.

                   And the original plans, in the USA, to build 2000 reactors 
                    by the year 2000 were dropped years ago because of public 
                    opposition to their construction, and it may well be that 
                    is why Britain supplied America with the plutonium which 

                   One other problem about nuclear power was the secret and 
                    unhealthy link between senior British officials and 
                    who were busy trying to persuade us to start a massive new 
                    power station programme using their own Pressure Water 
                    which I had been advised had potential safety problems.

                   Throughout this long saga I came to know, trust and work 
                    with Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and other committed 
                    environmentalists whose expert advice was generously made 
                    available and led me to change my mind.

                   So when we are told the outcome of the review these are 
                    factors we must keep in mind because you can be sure that, 
                    if the decision to go ahead is made, we will not be told 
                    whole truth and military links with the USA may well be the 
                    real reason."

--- On Mon, 1/2/10, Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> wrote:

From: Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com>
Subject: Re: [Marxism] The Nuclear Power Trojan Horse
To: "jc" <jayclinto...@yahoo.ie>
Date: Monday, 1 February, 2010, 23:07

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killa...@gmail.com wrote:
> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Maybe you (amd Tom Cod) should look into the IPhone.

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