Comrade f580,
Thank you for your support.  I will say that Melvin will only continue to try 
and paint me as a "terrorist" as he has for the last 5 years.  Melvin is not 
interested in even trying to understand anything but his own sophistry and 
pedantics in trying to revise Marxism.  It is clear that Melvin has a 
predisposition for the bourgeoisie and would rather defend the bourgeoisie than 
defend the reality of class struggle.  Such being the case he will only 
continue his holy crusade against me so let him go.
It really is pointless to engage with those who want to twist and distort 
everything whether it is from a revisionist point of view or of personal 
animosity which I believe in Melvins case is both.
Mark Scott

--- On Wed, 12/22/10, frankenstein580 <> wrote:

From: frankenstein580 <>
Subject: Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .
To: "For the reaffirmation of Marxism-Leninism" 
Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2010, 11:29 PM

 I see quite clearly that you keep raising an issue that should be squashed 
already.  Mark Scott has been making himself quite clear already about what he 
really meant by his statement.   If you can't pick up the message, then you've 
got a problem in communication.  I believe that you should leave this subject 
alone and stay on your Lincoln  advocacy theme where you were making some 

Mark Scott has demonstrated to me to be a defender of Marxism Leninism and of 
the working class, and therefore I support him.  


--- On Wed, 12/22/10, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Re: [MLL] I denounce the statement below advocating . . . . .
Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2010, 3:18 PM

In a message dated 12/22/2010 6:13:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I'm telling your clearly, Mr.,  that YOU keep bringing up the  issue of 
"extermination".  And that YOU are causing trouble here on this  LIST. 


This is simply not true.  I did not raise the issue. I have never  raised 
the issue of extermination of a class which is a political doctrine of  

I responded to a doctrine of political terrorism. 

Do you really believe that it was I that raised this issue? 


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