Hya All,

>Some people have said something about a feature on Sharp portables that de-
>tects whether a cord plugged into the headphone jack is connected to head-
>phones or speakers on one hand or to a recording device on the other hand
>and that, in the latter case, it behaves like a line-out.  I can neither
>confirm, deny, or claim to understand fully.
Sorry for the late reply, things have been a bit hectic. I quote this
from my web page (which is a quote from the 701/702 manual ;)

>Output level:
>            Specified output  Maximum output level  Load impedance 
>Headphones  -                 10 mW + 10 mW         32 ohms
>LINE        300 mV (-12dB)    -                     50k ohms

So from this it seems to indicate that one socket does both. God knows
how it decides. I don't know too much about how audio works, so does
line out have a small current on it? 

However, I've just linked it up to my computers line in and it didn't
make a wet slap of a difference :(. So I guess it can't. I've also just looked
at the circuit diagram (service manual), and I track the feeds back to a chip
but a) the diagram isn't detailed enough (I NEED MORE ZOOM!) b) I'm no great
electrican ;).

Also OT anyone got a good reference about how the dB scale works?

Share and enjoy,

Peter -> A-Level modular results in two hours ;(. Oh dear. ;)
"It only takes one tree to make a thousand matches, it only takes on match to burn a 
thousand trees!" -- A Thousand Trees, Stereophonics.
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