The rodent wrote,

| More directly useful to
| you, doubling volume (energy) is 10dB, so a 20dB sound is twice as loud as
| a 10dB sound, and a 110dB sound is twice as loud as a 100dB sound.

That doesn't sound right.

An increase of 10 dB means ten times as much energy.  Doubling the energy
would be an increase of 10*log(2) [common log, base 10, that is], or about
3.01 dB.  20 dB has ten times the energy reaching the sensor (or ear) as
10 dB.  And I guess even at that we should say "power" rather than "energy".

As to doubling the volume, that's subjective, isn't it?  "Twice as loud" is
a lot like "twice as dark" or "twice as happy."

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