> I made some recordings with my Sony R30 (END SEARCH and all) and I want
> to be able to stream them from my web site.  Does anyone on the list
> know on how to do it?

Do you actually want to stream the audio from the site (to say, have control
over whether or not the audience can save it to disk or not)? You could look
at Realaudio (www.real.com) or the MP3-based Shoutcast (www.shoutcast.com).
The problem with actual streaming is both finding a web host who'll allow it
(afaik, my ISP allows up to 2 realaudio streams in someone's personal
webspace, but it's not that common), and having to choose a bitrate that
suits all of your audience (or have several streams for different

Because of the latter (ie. having to stream audio with the constraints of
the connection), streaming audio isn't very high quality. If you just want
people to hear your work, why not get an MP3 encoder and try lots of
bitrates until you find one that gives acceptable quality and a reasonable

> The SB Live Value card worked well getting them into the machine,
> however, I do notice a slow down in the machine at boot up, presumably
> because it is loading more drivers and appellations.  Also, it seems to
> take longer do respond if I open too many windows.  I assume it has more
> in the memory and is paging it to the disk drive.  I guess I will start
> looking into increasing the memory from 32 megs to something larger, and
> look into a larger hard drive.

Do the memory first, a larger hard disk won't do anything for the disk
paging problem. 32mb is a very small amount these days, especially for audio
editing. A good rule of thumb is to take the size of the largest wave file
you need to edit, then double it and add a bit to work out how much RAM you

Simon -> 192mb and i'll buy another 128mb when the prices come back down...

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