My namesake wrote:

| I would, though, like I hear Sony's reason for the End Search.
| -- John

Just a complete guess, but maybe it's a leftover from the days when possibly
an automatic End Search was thought by the Sony boffins to have too much of
a processing overhead with the available technology.  Ie. it was thought to
be too slow or to consume too much battery power to make it default to this
mode.  The MZ-1 was very borderline in its power consumption/battery life,
and throughout its design, the engineers must have been very conscious of
this and looked for every conceivable saving (however small).  This is in
contrast to the decks which had no similar power saving requirements and
size constraints.  Maybe in the MZ-1 the electronics required for it were
not quite sophisticated enough to provide reasonable search speeds & low
power usuage for it to do it automatically?  

 I heard a lot of stories at the time that the first Sony portables were
rather hurredly 'rushed out' to try to meet DCC head on.  Maybe they were a
little premature.  Perhaps a little later, the LSI tecnology had improved
enough when the first Sharp portable was introduced for their team to
realise they could afford to do an automatic End Search like the Sony

John --> who actually believes that the above is total rubbish since the
overhead is probably neglible anyway ;-)
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