> I said to Ralph,
> > Peter means true TOC cloning, Ralph.  ...  He's not confusing it with Name
> > Stamp.
> Ralph responded,
> | It was just that a lot of people reported they could clone a TOC on a 702
> | while it was just the name-stamp.
> In Peter's original post, he said he had already recovered several discs with
> Helge's technique; since Name Stamp can't help with that (the target disc has
> to have the same number of tracks as the source disc; I guess both could be
> empty and Name Stamp could be used to copy the disc name, but that's not what
> one would call "recovering"), and since Peter's web page includes Helge's
> cloning instructions, there was no doubt for me that he meant TOC cloning.

Yep. I misread....

> I also asked,
> > Ergo, is a 22kHz triangle wave, sampled at 44kHz, extrapolated into a sine
> > wave?
> ["Reconstructed as" would have been better than "extrapolated into," wouldn't
>  it?]
> and Ralph answered,
> | Yes! Due to the lost of the harmonics that make up the triangle!
> Ah.  Thanks.  I had wondered about that.

Let me give a little bit more detail about sampling-theory.

There is one very importan rule that each AD converter needs to follow in order
to be able to reconstruct the original signal at the DA stage.

Fs (sample frequency) must be at least twice the highest imput frequency.
To avoid aliasign in the digital domain which translates into distortion.
Pas the analog signal through a steep low-pas filter at half the sample
Ie, a square-wave with a base-frequency of 20kHz would lose all its harmonics
that make up the square-wave. Ie, the AD converter will sample a single sinus
not the square-wave.


Ralph Smeets        Functional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46                       STMicroelectronics
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E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      FRANCE
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                -- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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