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* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David W. Tamkin)  on Mon, 11 Oct 1999
| That doesn't compute.  The CD player should still be putting out a digital
| signal, just as it does between tracks or during caesuras.

I know.  That is what has me baffled.  It makes no sense, but there is
definitely something wrong, here.  I suppose "dropout" is not entirely
accurate.  It feels (rather than sounds) as if the record level on the CD
signal might be so high that MD recording circuit cannot deal with it, so
it throws it out, leaving a "glitch" in the MD playback.  It is difficult
to describe something that is not there.

The other thought I have is that because the CD in question is very "bass
heavy" it is overloading the lower-end ATRAC time-frequency units.  MP3 is
susceptible to this (try listening to Prince's "Raspbery Beret" encoded
with MP3), but I do not believe that ATRAC has this problem.

| Maybe there's something wrong with the CD player that it can't read those
| spots on the CD,

I have had no problem with the CD player (Pioneer PD-F606, TOSlink directly
into to the recorder) with the ~90 other MDs I have recorded this way.

| or wrong with the CD at those places,

This is what I believe might be the case, except that it sounds okay when I 
play it back through my amplifier.

| or wrong with the MD platter at the places where those passages were to
| be written to it (if Rat was trying to record from the beginning of the
| CD to the same MD in the 702mk as in the R30).

Same original CD and player, different recorders, different MDs, same
problem.  Though to be honest, it is worse on the 702mk.  I originally
thought it might be a problem with Sharp's ATRAC, but I had similar results 
on the Sony unit.

Quite strange, indeed.
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