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* "PrinceGaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Fri, 24 Dec 1999
| Strictly speaking, that is true but there is some copyrighted material which
| is never going to make the author, publisher or any other interested party
| any significant cash and which on the internet moves into a grey-area of
| "not really legal, but not harming anyone".

There is no "grey area" anywhere within copyright law.  Theft is theft, no
matter how you rationalize it.

| Some of this material is almost impossible to legally obtain now and the
| copyright holders would let it be lost forever except for individuals who
| publish it for free on the net.

And if the copyright holder wishes it to be lost forever that is his right.
He owns the copyright, the right to copy -- or not -- as he sees fit.  You
do not, unless he gives it to you.

| Yes, it's illegal.  It's not a grey-area but a black-market albeit a
| free-of-charge black market.  So I like to think it's a dark grey market.
| Although the material I'm talking about above is classic arcade games, it
| could apply to any copyrighted material.

Not "could", it *does* apply to *all* copyrighted material.
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