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* "J. Coon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Fri, 24 Dec 1999
| It looks to me that is is legal to record it yourself, from the radio,
| tv,

This is usually correct, at least in the US.  FCC regulations state that
any US citizen may legally receive any legally transmitted signal (tangent:
this is why radar detectors cannot be outlawed, at least at the Federal
level).  Pirate signals are just that, and as such are not legal
transmissions.  Therefore you have no legal right to recieve them.

| a borrowed CD or what ever.

This is not correct at all... well, there might be an exception for
material borrowed from your local public library, but I am not absolutely
certain about that.

| Trading it is a little bit grey.  It is legal to borrow the CD and copy
| it though.  Trading is only one step removed from that.

Nothing "grey" about it.  Trading is piracy.  Making copies of a
copyrighted work that you do not have permission to copy is theft.
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