I should add that copying a CD to an MD is legal as long as you aren't
copying it for comercial purposes.  I think trading MDs falls under
that.  Now if you copy the MD and sell it to make money, that would be a
sick bird, an ill eagle (illegal).  But if you trade it for another MD
and you don't open up a store for trading MD and charge two MDs for one
MD of yours....or sell them outright to the public, it seems as that is
legal.  At least that is how I read the Home Recording Rights Act.  The
other info that someone else gave regarding copyright, is for printed
material  IMHO.  However, you can't copy a CD, TV, radio, MP3, whatever,
and post a copy of it on your website, play it in your store, bar, etc.
for all the world to hear without paying for the copyright or getting
permission to do it.  The recording has to be for your own use and not a
public one.  Now, if a DJ makes a copy and plays it at a dance,
presumably the establishment he is working, has paid dues to one of the
copyright clearing houses, like ASCAP, or the Hary Fox Agency, so the
artrist is compensated.  I have no idea how the artist gets the right
amount of  money though.  


Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.  

J. Coon wrote:
> Check this out  http://www.minidisc.org/ahra.html
> and http://www.hrrc.org/audio.html
> http://www.hrrc.org/ahrasum.html
> It looks to me that is is legal to record it yourself, from the radio,
> tv, a borrowed CD or what ever.  Trading it is a little bit grey.  It is
> legal to borrow the CD and copy it though.  Trading is only one step
> removed from that.
> Mitch P. wrote:
> >
> >  === The original message was multipart MIME            ===
> >  === All non-text parts (attachments) have been removed ===
> >
> > I would like to do some MD trading of some popular music groups. However, before I 
>do, I would like to know if it is in violation of the copyright laws to copy and 
>trade minidiscs which have been recorded from an original CD.
> > Does anyone have knowledge in this matter? Could you point me to any links which 
>explains the copyright law?
> > Has anyone heard of anyone being charged if it is indeed a violation of the law?  
>I have seen several reputable minidisc vendor sites which have links to MD trading 
>posts, its seems if MD trading is illegal, these vendors would not have links to 
>these MD trading sites.
> > Thanks,
> > Mitch
> >
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> Jim Coon
> Not just another pretty mandolin picker
> If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?
> My first web page
> http://www.tir.com/~liteways/
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Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page

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