Hya All,

Thanks for all your info, I'll get a stereo mic then ;).

>I think you've got the wrong idea about being a student.  The aim is to do
>as little as possible, and recording lectures, porting them to MP3 and doing
>all your assignments leaves far too little drinking time!
Lol, that's why I'm gonna be recording them, I don't remember anything
when I've got a hangover ;).... ;) HEhe assignemnts, yeah... maybe I
think I'll do them... occasionaly ;)

>And anyway, why do you want to archive all your lectures?  It sounds
Heheh, so I don't have to listen to them the first time round? ;)

>All the best
You to ;)

>Ian (18 months of an MEng left! )
Ohh, which one?

"These days when a guy takes a girl into his room to show her his hardware, it usually 
turns out to be a 450MHz Pentium III with 12Gb hard drive and a Voodoo III card."
-- Originally Mike Knowles (updated by me ;).
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