Heya Guys,

Geez, it's been a while since I last posted. I've got a small question
to those wize and in the know people out there ;).

I have a Sharp 722 and I love it (this is besides the point and just
to let MD have a mention ;). I record some minidisc's in mono so that
I can get twice as long ;)...

Now, when my girl friend listens to my Stereo minidiscs it takes her
about 40 minutes before she gets a headache, where as if it's mono it
takes her about 10 minutes.

For me, in stereo (unless I have it at full blast) I don't get
headache, but in mono I do after about an hour and a half.

Just woundering if it's feasable that due to both ears receieving
exactly the same sound (well obviously not exactly, but you know what
I mean) it confuses it and gives it a head ache.

Anyone know if this is to do with the brain needing binaurueal (spl)

Intrested to find out this,


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