Shawn wrote:

    > As you may know from physics class, electronics travel along 
    > the outside
    > diameter of each of the copper strands.  As a result, finer copper
    > strands means more strands fit into a given wire gauge 
    > diameter.  That equals greater electron flow. 

The depth to which an AC current penetrates a conductor is inversely
proportional to the frequency (called the skin effect). The skin depth at 20
KHz in copper is ~ 1mm, so it has a minute effect. Note that if the fine
strands are close to each other, their magnetic fields will interact to some
extent, which reduces any skin effect reducing advantage.

    > remember seeing
    > a magazine article quite some time ago where someone tested cheap
    > 18-gauge mains cable against high-quality, oxygen free speaker cable. 
    > They used very expensive test equipment, and the result 
    > was that the difference was very miniscule and probably inaudible. 
    > I can't remember which magazine

Douglas Self wrote an article about this in Electronics World a couple of
years ago. He concluded that common multistranded 5A mains flex made an
excellent speaker cable.

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