on 5/13/00 2:54 PM, Neon John at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I use my 90 as much for time shifting radio talk shows
> as I do listening to music.  I need the ability to quickly nuke
> commercial breaks.  With the 90 in my shirt pocket, I can simply
> finger the >> key through the pocket.  Not possible with the hold
> switch activated.

You peak my curiosity.  I assume when you say "time shifting radio talk"
that you are recording the talk to play at some other time.  But if you plan
to edit, then you are listening as you play.  If the 90 is in your shirt
pocket, then there is a radio also on you some where?

I use a VCR to record the talk.  HiFi VCR on slow is good for 6 - 8 hours of
quality recording with a built in 8 event timer.  I set it for every M-F
12-6am or every day at 1:00 pm etc.  I just have to remember not to let
someone shut the unit off in the middle of some other recorded material.
If they do, then I have the VCR equivalent of an End Search problem.  I have
my radio go directly into the VCR and select L1 on it and tape monitor on my
amp to hear the radio.  I understand that some of the new VCRs will skip
commercials.  I wonder what technology they use to do that.  I wonder if
that technology would recognize radio commercials.


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