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If napster is bad for the music industry, then how come sales are up since
Napster started??

My oldest son made a good point when I was talking to him on the phone last
night.  Aside from the things that I mentioned about half of the music on Napster
not being available for sale, he felt that must people don't download to save the
money on a CD.  They do it to sample.

He feels that no fan is going to download entire CDs.  They want the liner notes,
graphics etc.


PrinceGaz wrote:

> From: "Matthew Wall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > OK, here is a question for you all then, if the RIAA is soooo against
> > napster, why havn't they tried to ban news servers? they have been around a
> > H*ll of a lot longer than napster and i am 110% positive more copyrighted
> > material has been downloaded from news servers than napster can even think
> > of.  just my 2 cents :)
> Cos the music industry sees Napster as a blatant music piracy tool-- you
> go online and download anything you fancy from anyone else while they do
> the same with your collection available.  And the more anyone downloads,
> the more there is for everyone else next time.  I got a bud who works for
> Trading Standards here in Britain, he's a good guy who is serious about his
> job and I think he'll have no regrets when Napster vanishes.  I understand
> how he feels but Napster do not themselves do anything wrong, they merely
> provide the means to exchange information- if some of that info is material
> you have not paid for, napster are not to blame-- I'm certain that is in the
> Napster aggrement when you install it.
> Course the net is faster than these media moguls and I've already downloaded
> an altrnative prog thanks to someone who replied earlier, and if US bans
> Napster, wots the bet some European company wont do their equivalent.  These
> servers don't really hold anything, just relay (vast amounts) of traffic,
> they could be set up anywhere.  Just stick an advertising banner on it and
> politely ask peeps to click and Bob's your uncle :-)  Hell, I heard Brunei
> does not even recognise copyright law and you can freely copy anything.
> Apologies for rambling, its 0445hrs in Britain.
> PrinceGaz.
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