          = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
          =     be more selective when quoting text         =

> > Sir you incorrectly state that an MP3 file will produce CD quality music.
> The
> > quality of MP3 files can vary greatly.  But one thing that I am fairly
> certain
> > about is that the quality of a true digital copy of an original
> (prerecorded CD)
> > to an ATRAC encoded Mini Disc is superior to that of MP3 .


NO!! YOU ARE WRONG! because what you state below is a subjective statement that
has no meaning in reality.  If you hear digital artifacts so clearly with the MD
copy, something is wrong with your CD player or recorder.  Sounds like a it may
be a bad ADC.

> Larry

> Everything that I record on my Sharp831, using a digital optical connection
> to my Marantz CD6000OSE from a good quality CD source sounds NOTICEABLY fake
> with clearly audible compression artifacts.
> Yes, the quality of MP3 -encoded audio can vary greatly ... but good quality
> MP3 audio DOES sound better than everything I personally record on my
> Sharp831.
> The quality of ATRAC compression can vary greatly. Both MP3 encoders and
> ATRAC encoders have improved since their inception such that almost any
> modern MP3-encoded file will sound better than a MiniDisc recorded using a
> version of Atrac that is a couple of generations old.
> The quality of Prerecorded MiniDiscs however is almost certainly going to be
> better than the quality of any handmade MP3 files.

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