Hi Michael,

I'm responding to MD-L, in case there's general interest.

"Coon, Michael" writes:

>Dear sir, 
>       i do like the minidisc for its size and quailtiy however, portable
>mp3 cd players have been introduced. I like the fact that i can now burn up
>to 8 hrs of cd quality music to one CD as compared to 74 min for a minidisc.
>       my question is, does the minidisc industry plan on going to the blue
>laser allowing the minidisc to hold five times more music. Or does the
>industry plan on using the 650 mb minidiscs that are being used for cameras?

I haven't heard anything to that effect. 

>Finally, do you think the current 74 min minidisc will be able to compete
>with an 8 hr mp3 cd in the long run?

Sony and others have just announced MDLP products (see the MDCP news),
these can provide 5h20m of stereo playback at "reasonable" fidelity
(not much has been reported about MP3 vs. ATRAC3 quality at 66kbps

MDLP can be seen as the MiniDisc's [current] answer to MP3.

Should the walls of RIAA and SDMI someday come tumbling down, I am
sure there might be other, more interesting MD/MP3 (or at least open
ATRAC) synergies.

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