Adam Queripel wrote:
>It is clear that it is better for you to receive the messages
> individually, rather than in digest form, but others may prefer to receive
> them all at once. 

Because it is easier to read if all the info on one topic is all
together even if information on the  topic was posted over a 3 week
period. when you sort on the subject it is all there  together.  When
you click on the date header it is all in order by date, when you click
onsender, you will see all the posts of that that person made that you
haven't deleted yet.  It really is farther reaching than just ads on the
list, it is list management.  IF you get digest mode, you have to save
all the digests.  If you want to go back and check something on an
interesting topic, you have to go through all those digests and all the
muck is stored in them forever. With individual posts, you can sort of
subject and decide you don't need the 50 posts or so on coupons and
delete them all with one fell swoop.

> To use your analogy, jet planes may be all well and good,
> but a horse and buggy is more useful for popping down to the local shops -
> different people have different needs, so one solution cannot suit
> everybody. 

However, in this case, the jet plane of the computer works just as well
to go to the local shops.  It will fit 90% or more of the people that
get the list

> As an aside, is your way really the biggest user of our new-fangled
> technology?  At your end, sure, but at the distribution end surely it is
> more complicated to accumulate messages all day and then send them together,
> rather than send each message on as it arrives?


> -----Original Message-----
> Hell, I am on another couple of lists that really make this
> one look like a piker....I get on the average 75 to 80 emails a day on
> each of them, and only 5 to 20 on this one.  There wouild be no way to
> be able to handle that volume of email if I got them in digest mode.  We
> have the technology, we should use it, not be tied to horse and buggys
> in the days of jet airplanes.

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

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