"J. Coon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>There are only a few people that really need to get it in digest 
>mode. There are a lot of advantages to receiving it in individual 
>messages. Most obvious is you can delete individual posts. You can 
>sort so all the topics on one thread are together, You can set up 
>folders and sort messages into the folders automatically. If you want 
>to keep messages on a certain thread, you can save them and delete 
>non relevent messages. Hell, I am on another couple of lists that 
>really make this one look like a piker....I get on the average 75 to 
>80 emails a day on each of them, and only 5 to 20 on this one. There 
>wouild be no way to be able to handle that volume of email if I got 
>them in digest mode. We have the technology, we should use it, not be 
>tied to horse and buggys in the days of jet airplanes.

Jim, you're simply trying to shove your point of view on everyone else. 
Those of us on digest are not stupid. It has *nothing* to do with 
"technology." We know the "advantages" and "disadvantages" of non-digest 
mode. We also know the "advantages" and "disadvantages" for digest mode. 
We've made a conscious decision, based our our individual preferences and 
needs, to subscribe to digest. For you to keep implying that we're 
somehow Luddites who are ignorant is amusing to me (and probably 
insulting to some people). I *run* mailing lists -- I think I know how to 
deal with them. The solution to a list-wide problem is not to force 
others to comply with your personal preferences.

>For most people, digest mode doesn't solve
>anything and creates a lot of problems.  

You cannot make such a blanket statement. That's your opinion, nothing 
more. And judging by the fact that most mailing lists have large 
proportions of digest subscribers, an opinion not shared by most people.

>IMHO, people that don't like it can either skip over it and not read 
>it, or they can just delete it, or they can set up a filter and 
>delete it.

Not if they subscribe to the digest (see above).

>It certainly doesn't cause a big burden to see the title of a message 
>and then delete it.

It does if you receive the digest (see above).

The thing that is really unfortunate here is that the solution is easy, 
clear, and has been presented many times. Peter already has a "deals" 
mailing list. People who want his deals should subscribe to it. He should 
put a nice note in his sig like "Subscribe to my list to get the best 
deals on MD blanks!" and include the URL.
The results?
1) Those who don't want to see the advertisements don't have to see them
2) Those who want them can see them (and maybe more if Peter wants to!)
3) Those who are new to the list are sure to see the instructions for 
subscribing on a regular basis.
4) It has absolutely no adverse effects on anyone.

Simple. What's the problem? The only one I've seen is...

>That's right. I don't want to subscribe to another mailing list to be 
>able to get MD related information. It should be posted right here on 
>the MD list.

Jim, you're not being fair. For all your advocacy of "technology" and 
filters, you're being very resistant to a fair solution that you (and you 
especially) can easily take advantage of. Use your filters to transfer 
Peter's "deal" list messages to your MD-L folder. You'll never know the 
difference. You're happy, those who don't want to see them are happy. All 
is well in the world ;)
To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
"unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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