Mike Burger wrote:

> Sounds like he's been spewed at by someone who has no idea what they're
> talking about.
> I'd come back with "Have you ever actually listened to MD?" and then
> place my headphones on his head.

Did you ever get the feeling that there is actually an "anti MD" faction in among
Hi Fi journalists?

Like that idiot Ken Pohmann (or how ever he spells his name).

I have a friend that is a certified computer engineer.  I was talking to him last
night and he made an interesting point.  On occasion his is asked to teach
certification courses.  The "normal" instructors are hacks who read books and
attended labs, but have no field experience!

He is out there every day straightening out companies networks that someone else
was clueless about.  He knows first hand the troubles that you run into in the
real world.

I'll bet that many of these Hi Fi Journalists, have very limited field
experience.  The have degrees from the University of Miami (like Pohmann).

I don't know if the U of M has become a respected university, but when I was in
high school, we used to joke about it being the college where all of the boxers
and athletes graduate from.  The used to tell me that you could take the diploma
from there and make a paper airplane out of it.

Again, this was a very long time ago.  The university might be a well respected
institution today.


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