I very appreciate all the comments I received since the last few days...

In the future, I think that the best solution, as mentioned by Simon, is to
only send my coupons opportunity to my mailing list... I will sometime put a
little add on my signature, but really small...

I understand that many of you are outside USA and get annoy by all my
advertisement... Yes, we make money with these opportunities, we are in
business, isn't it ??? but of course, this is big opportunities too !

So, for all those who are interested by our USA coupons, I invite you to
join our mailing list. Simply visit our website at : www.kheopsminidisc.com
and there is on the main page a section to subscribe to our mailing list.

I will post each time I got new coupons, the coupon to this mailing list.  I
can't advertise these coupons on our website since they never last more than
one day...

Again sorry for this... I'll do better in the future...


Pierre Forest-Kheops Minidisc Owner
Mall Wide Discount from Planet Poker $15 off minimum purchase $25

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Simon Gardner
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: MD: Ok I got another one, but again, MOVE FAST it won't
last very long !

[replying to two posts to save space]

> > Not meaning to offend but please stop posting with coupons for some
> > US-based (and US-only) online shopping company. I'm just guessing here,
> > the number of US-based list subscribers is probably lower than you think
> > and the number of those that actually care about the coupons will be
> > significantly lower.
>I think that you are wrong about that.

Any thought go into that, or is it a generic Yank "Rest of the world? We
ARE the world!" comment? :-) I said I was guessing, and I notice a lot of
non-US email addresses. Remember too that .com/.org/.net don't belong to
the US - people living in many other countries use them too (in fact, the
MD-L is hosted at the London-based amulation.com). To all these non-US
people, posts about coupons are useless if they couldn't use them anyway.

> > As someone else suggested, set up a separate list of
> > your own for those that _want_ to recieve your coupon mails and leave
> > MD-L for actual MD discussion.
>It will never happen.  This is a non censored list (at least that's what
>Rick W.
>recent told me).  If you see Peter's name when you receive your e mail,
>press the delete button.  Also, isn't there a way to filter out e mail
>you don't want to receive on many browses?

It was a _suggestion_ for Peter to sort out a method that would be better
for all parties - those on the MD-L that don't want to get coupon mailings
every other day won't, those that want them do. It wasn't meant to be read
as an intention of censorship - the list is unmoderated and so it should
stay. Doing what you suggest (filtering by address) _would_ mean that many
people stop reading what Peter has to say, which would be a shame.

>I disagree and encourage Peter to let us know when there are real super
>happening like $15 off on $25 and NO SHIPPING.

>You may have some magic source for getting blanks, but I know I don't and
>when I
>can get 80 minute blanks for less than $1.40, I want to know about it.

So why not find out via a separate list or just by going to his coupon page?

>If people want to complain about things that are not available in their
>fine.  It was just a minor inconvenience, but if people want to be like
>that, I
>am sick and tired of hearing about all of the specials that they are
>running at
>Riches or what ever it is called, in the UK.

I'll explain the reasons for my "complaint" (well, more of an informal
suggestion to change something):

- The number of coupon posts has gone up significantly - over the last 2
weeks, there's been one every other day.

- These coupons are from, and for, a commercial company that Peter is
financially involved with (at least, that's what I infer from him having a
"store" there), which goes against the non-commercial nature of lists like

It's pretty simple - Peter sends his coupons mails to as many people as
possible, some of them buy stuff from him via the coupons, he makes
money.  When a list member points out a particularly good deal on
something, they're not profiting from it. Incidentally, the last time
Richer Sounds was mentioned on the MD-l was back in July, and that was a
request for comments on a Pioneer unit that they were selling (and that's
sold worldwide). The last post about an offer they were doing was 7th June.
There's also a separate UK MD list, where such country-specific stuff gets

As I've said to Peter before - the best way to promote your business on
non-commercial community lists is to follow the Core Sound example; act as
a normal list member and contribute with sound advice wherever possible.
Post from a company email account and include a short sig with your URL and
maybe a line with your current offer, but leave it at that. Associate your
company with in-depth knowledge and sound advice and you'll have no
problems. Spamming coupons every other day, like constant TV ads, are the
quickest way to annoy people.

I don't think that any of what I've said sounds unreasonable - I just think
that Peter's system would work a lot better if he was in direct contact
with those that _want_ to receive his coupon mails.


To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
"unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
"unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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