Hmm. That's exactly the comparison I've been making for two weeks. I've
owned my 580's for a couple of years now, and my Etys arrived 3 weeks ago.

First of all, they are two very different units, and therefore they have
different traits. The 580s, due to being circumaural, will seem to be
heavier on the bass than the Etys at first listen. The 580s transmit a bit
of vibration to your head, so you can actually feel some of the bass besides
listening to it. The Etys are so small you won't feel any vibration, so at
first listen you might wonder why they are so bass shy. They aren't. The
Etys bass is beautiful, very well defined, precise and taut, with zero
boominess in it, and their response is ruler flat to 40 Hz, and down by 3 dB
at 20 Hz (incredible!). So yes, they beat the Senns in this area.

Both have very nice midrange. Just wait until you hear a vocal ensemble on
either unit; they are both great! In the highs department, there is a marked
difference. The Senns are very detailed for any headphone, but the Etys blow
them away. There must be something about having the driver firing milimiters
away from your timpani, because you will be hearing sounds you didn't notice
before. The Etys are like microscopes; no detail goes by without you
noticing it. Again, the Senns are not bad in this aspect, but the size of
the driver and the distance from the timpani make the Etymotics the
indisputed champ in this respect. Also, the impulse response of the Etys is
the best I've ever seen in any headphone, due to their low mass and small
size, so they are also very "quick" sounding.

As for sound quality, the Senns have a well earned reputation for laid-back
sound. Think being in a concert hall in the middle to back rows and you get
the idea of what this means. It is very detailed, but relaxed at the same
time. Some people find this sound boring. I bought an X-Can V2 amplifier
(recently discontinued) by Musical Fidelity, which is a very aggressive
hybrid amp, to cure this condition. The sound I get from this setup is
simply amazing, although it is still a bit laid-back. The Etys are another
story. They are as neutral as any headphone I've ever heard. Even Staxes,
which I am using as a basis for comparison. In fact, if you have ever heard
a Stax, you can imagine how Etymotics sound. Dare I say... perfect?

Both are comfortable units, but you must get used first to an ear canal
unit. Depending on your ear, it might be very comfortable or you might not
tolerate it. Etys are shipped with plastic tips or foams; you can use
whichever you feel better with, or you can have a custom earmold made. And
getting a good seal between the driver and your inner ear is a must for good
sound (it takes a lot of practice). The Sennheisers are among the most
comfortable phones I've worn, and they don't need strange, yoga-like
positions to insert them. Any Etymotics user knows what I am talking about

Whichever you like more is a matter your own preferences. I think Etys are
way more precise, neutral and transparent than the Senn 580 (or the 600, for
that matter) and so they are the best dynamic headphone I've ever heard in
those terms. But... the 580s add a sense of coloration and rich warmth that
I like a lot. If I had to keep just one set, I would keep the Etys, though;
they are simply wonderful, portable, and precise to a sickening degree.

Hope this helps!


----- Original Message -----
From: "John Small" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: MD: earbuds

> On Mon, 19 Feb 2001 20:31:57 -0600, "Francisco J. Huerta"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I am tempted to say they are the best dynamic headphones on the planet.
> >they are the size of standard earbuds. Highly recommended, if you have
> >money.
> Francisco, how does the S compare with the Sennheiser 580's, more or less?
> been thinking about the Etymotics but have remained on the sidelines.
There are
> many many times I would perfer the noise attentuation they offer over the
> type.
> Thanks.
> -jts <Arlington, TX>
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