>After joining the list for a couple of months, and finaly acquired a
>MZ-R70 for personal use 2 days ago, i need now some help/information!
>What's the diference in the sound that cames out of Left & Rigth
>Diferent frequencies? it happens that I'm deaf from my left ear, so i
>only use the rigth earbud... but, what am I loosing then?

The use of a  left and right source give's the illusion of a sound
When the audio is mixed the different channels are panned L or R to set
up there
position on the sound stage ie. a kick drum or vocals wouldn't have a
different between L & R
channels to place them in the centre, where as an instrument on the far
left of the stage would have more level in the
left channel than in the right which gives the illusion it's to the

Really depends on the individual trax what the difference's between the
two earphones are.

Your best bet would be to record your MD's in mono, you lost the stereo
sound stage
but you gain twice the disc capacity (ie. 148 minutes on a 74 min disc),
and both earphones with have
the same audio information when played back.

And / Or you could convert the headphones to mono.  A stereo minijack
(male) to mono minijack (female) adapter will do the job and cost next
to nothing (will take both L&R from the MD and put them in to one

>Is there anyway
>to use both (L & R) connectors in only you ear? will i take any
>in byuing one?
>i hope my question is clear! somtime my english get's a bit .... hard
>thanks anyway
>Jose Pedro Sa


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