Jim Coon wrote,

> If it is like all the other Sony units I've had, you plug in the remote,
> and the head phones unplug from the remote and you plug the new head
> phones in where the Sony haed phones went.  One caveat though, the older
> Sonys used a proprietary headphone jack so Ihad to get an adaptor from
> MiniDisc Now.

I am pretty sure that Sony gave up on the microplugs and microjacks between
the R37 and the R50.  There's no way they could have reverted to it on the
E900.  I bought the same adaptor directly from Sony.

Mike Burger explained -- and thank you very much:

| That won't work.  Aside from the 3.5mm plug (stem), the remote has a
| number of other connectors on either side of the 3.5mm stem.  They
| all go into the side of the unit and make contact at the same time

Oh, yes; inserting a Y-adaptor or an extension between the remote's cord and
the unit will prevent connecting those other leads, rendering the remote
useless.  I wish Niels had said that when I first asked.

So the choice is to use the remote in-line with headphones or to do without
the remote.  What kind of "chopping off" Niels had in mind, though, I still
don't see, unless he meant cutting out the cable that connects the remote to
the unit and attaching its plug hard to the remote, so that the remote and
the unit would move as one solid piece.  But then what good is it to have a
remote if it stays attached to the unit?  That defeats the very purpose got
it named a "remote control."  Unless the remote has functions that aren't on
the body, he might as well leave the remote off and plug the headphones into
the unit directly.

| It is also my understanding that the connection for the
| airhead with the 3.5mm connector that comes with it is large, and
| prevents proper use of the remote.

| This is why I continue to suggest plugging the remote into the unit,
| getting a short extension, plugging the male 3.5mm stem of the
| extension into the 3.5mm hole on the remote, and plugging the 3.5mm
| stem of the airhead into the 3.5mm hole in the extension cable.

Niels doesn't want the remote to dangle in series with the headphones. 
(That's the only part I seem to have understood right off.)

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