* "Matt Wall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Tue, 29 May 2001
| I disagree 110%, compared to vhs/beta/HDTV/dang near any new product
| projections DVD did take off like a bat out of hell.

DVD-Video has been around for about five years now.  Its growth has mostly
been in the past two years.  In its first two years of existence, DVD-Video
came >< close to failing outright.  The media was expensive and unreliable,
the players moreso, and the selection of titles microscopic.  And even
though its growth in the past two years has been rapid, it has been very
steady, not explosive.  And it is still well behind its initial
projections, which had DVD-Video completely replacing consumer VHS by the
end of last year.

Yes, DVD-Video has done amazingly well after a very bumpy start, much like
CD-Audio.  Yes, DVD-Video has the highest adoption rate of any new consumer
technology ever, after CD-Audio.  In five years, DVD-Video has achieved
market penetration almost equivalent to what CD-Audio managed in ten.  That
is fast, but it is not as explosive as you believe or imply.

| oh yeah i live in the middle of nowhere and there is 7 shops that carry
| DVD audio recordings around me.  guess what nobody is buying them.

I live near the Hub of the Universe (Boston, MA) and have yet to see
DVD-Audio anywhere other than a few specialty shops, and the selection is
both limited and expensive.  Maybe you live in one of the test market
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