macdef wrote:

>  Woah! Larry, now you're really out there ;) Vinyl on a good system sounds as
> good as any CD, and FAR better than any MP3.

How is that possible??  The cut off for frequencies on vinyl is 15,000 hz.  The
dynamic range is at best probably 70.  Channel separation is much lower.  THD is
much higher.  The S/N ratio is bad.  Even the best equipment will give you ticks
and pops.  There is hum and hiss.

>From time to time I hear "vinyl purists" make claims like yours.  But they never
sight any double blind studies.  They present no data or facts to support their

Anyone can claim that anything is better than anything else and from the
subjective standpoint the fact that something may sound better to you, you can
make that statement.  But on a factual basis everything points to the opposite.

When you make a statement like you did, you have to qualify it by saying "in my
opinion".  There are equalizers because to different people think different
settings sound better.  But in strict terms of fidelity the CD has to come out
on top unless you copied it from vinyl :).


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