On Jun 2, 2014, at 9:52 PM, Tom <t...@hutch4.us> wrote:

> docs root or public_html as the case may be for others. 
> /wiki with a /wiki alias? 

Typo.  Should have been docroot/wiki/mediawiki-version#.   maybe good reasons 
not to do it that way.

> /a or /b or whatever and rewrite as /wiki or /public or whatever you want to 
> rewrite it too. 
> Updates are easier /w with your new install in /wnew.  Update extensions, 
> copy over images directory, and any other files including localsettings. 
> Rename /w to /wold and /wnew to /w. Now run update.php. Test wiki. 
> White screen, turn on error reporting. Set at top of localsettings. Fatal in 
> ....w/extensions/.... On line ...  Comment out extension. Try to access wiki 
> again.  Another white screen, repeat. Comment out the next extension in 
> localsettings etc. 

sounds good.

> White screens can be avoided if you make sure all extensions are up to date 
> to work with the mw version you are updating too. Sometimes there might not 
> be an exact it works with version but the extensions talk page is a great 
> place to look for a fix... Mod this file line xxx to this or comment out 
> these lines.  

I had, before getting lazy and not updating MW for quite a while, noticed that 
many of my favorite extensions weren’t getting updated.  So I wasn’t sure what 
would be my MW update policy, except perhaps just to drop all non-current 
extensions and start fresh. which is what i’ve effectively done, though without 
enough thought given to images, for one thing.

Thank you again.

Rob Lingelbach  http://rob.colorist.org
http://colorist.org   r...@colorist.org

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