Em Quarta-feira 08 Setembro 2010, às 14:03:55, Marius Vollmer escreveu:
> ext Thiago Macieira <thi...@kde.org> writes:
> > The repository-installation instructions must not be activatable by a
> > simple browser. A dedicated application should be required. So no
> > "click here to add my repo" webpages.
> I don't know, would be nice to allow this, if we can make it safe.
> > Otherwise, this could open up security risks that foreign repositories
> > are added and start overriding core packages.
> The security framework in Harmattan (which I think is coming to MeeGo,
> too), can help here: It remembers the 'origin' of a package, and only
> allows updates to it from the same origin.

Then I propose we do that when we have safety measures, not sooner.

That means MeeGo 1.1 should not have it. We're past feature freeze and I am 
still clueless about what the Harmattan Security Framework is. (And I work for 

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
  Senior Product Manager - Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
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