On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 9:47 PM, Till Harbaum / Lists <li...@harbaum.org> wrote:

> I have meegotouch running native on my ubuntu desktop, i have qtmobility 
> running native there, i have the latest qtcreator 2.1.0beta and still i can't 
> run meego qml apps:
> file:///home/harbaum/projekte/meego/apps/qt-components/gallery/positionindicator.qml:28:1:
>  module "com.meego" is not installed
>     import com.meego 1.0
> What am i doing wrong? Or is exactly this caused by the fact, that nokia 
> tries to fragment qt into desktop and mobile versions and i won't be able to 
> run meego apps on the desktop without using emulation?

There are qt quick components (PREVIEW) packages for Ubuntu:


(the same place, fn-ppa, has MTF as well, since it's a dependency of QtQC).

Ville M. Vainio @@ Forum Nokia
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