>From: ext Till Harbaum / Lists [li...@harbaum.org]
>Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 10:27 PM
>To: Alhola Kate (Nokia-FNDC/Helsinki)
>Cc: meego-dev@meego.com
>Subject: Re: [MeeGo-dev] What are the advantages of developing QT apps without 
>libmeegotouch over MTF enabled application?
>Hi Kate,
>thanks for this reply.
>Am Dienstag 28 Dezember 2010 schrieben Sie:
>> MeeGo conference presentations at general were not Nokia's (or I think 
>> Intel) official opinions excluding some keynotes but were just
>> selected by content selection board that was just  few (4?) persons and so 
>> more representing their opinions.
>Uhm, what's the point of doing a meego conference and neither intels nor 
>nokias optinions aren't included?

Let's make small difference. I don't say that I represent Nokias official 
opinion but
as Forum Nokia employee, our task is help developers to develop
for Nokia devices. 

I think that old Maemo Summit organization were better, it had community day 
for community
presentations and then Nokia day. Same way could be in MeeGo conference that 
is one "Founders day" with Nokia and Intel tracks and then community day.
I hoped that Forum Nokia could be represented in MeeGo conference but ......

>Really this all feels so much undone and unsynchronized that i have my doubts 
>that the result will be a usable plattform. Intel sticks to gtk, nokia 
>abandons hildon and switches to qt, but re-invents the entire UX and then 
>finds out that the new UX won't work on their old symbian plattform.

Let's make things little bit more clear. 
- As far as I know, Intel is also using Qt / Qt Quick in MeeGo
- When we abandoned Hildon, it was already known that new generation UI toolkit 
was needed but it could not be created instantly
- There was three evolution UX steps, first Maemo versions had mostly desktop 
UI in pocket size. Maemo5 was first device designed solely 
  to be used with finger and it used all tricks to make it with legacy desktop 
toolkit ( GTK+/Hildon or Maemo5 QWidgets ) and then 
  third evolution step full UI based on animated graphics. 
- The UX evolution was mandatory to survive in competition, we could not 
compete against Android and iPhone with toolkits
  that have architectural roots in 1984. Even code is not same than 1984, the 
UI paradigm, UX are same. Designing toolkit
  based on desktop paradigm leaded architecture that could not upscale as 
modern mobile UX.
- There was timing issue, we did not have Qml ready when we started Harmattan, 
MeeGoTouch was QGraphicsView based but programmed in C++
- Now, when we have Qml/Qt Quick we can go full declarative UI, there is no 
difference in end user UX but much more flexible 
  programming API that allows easy support for Symbian,MeeGo,Desktop and even 
future UX.  Qt Quick is based on same QGraphicsView that 
  were used in MTF but new more flexible way to program it.

>I e.g. have started to use mtf and qtmobilty in pure c++. I now have to google 
>a little bit to find out if that approach is already outdated and to 
>understand what qtquick and qml really means for my app.

I understand confusion and we have tried our best to give open and early access 
to new technology coming.

The good thing is that when you have already moved to Qt and new QGraphicsview 
based toolkit, it is very easy 
to switch Qml.

Main reason why I did this my Ar-Drone application was to make one of first Qt 
Quick/Components showcase
application.  As technical person, I need to know what i write or as said, eat 
own dog food.
In this Ar-Drone, I reused some of my old QGraphicsWidget based UI elements and 
in practice, just few
lines of modification were needed to be able use them from Qml.

Git in garage https://garage.maemo.org/scm/?group_id=1999 

This AR-Drone won't be our last example application, our Forum Nokia  MeeGo 
staff, Kate, Ville, Antonio and Attila, we are 
all working to make your life as Nokia MeeGo developer easier and we will 
publish more demo apps,
more blogs, we will arrange training etc.

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