ehehe i know that there´s many others lock server,
but i don´t have ROM on my PIC18f4550 to put two libraries =( it would
be nice if i had a ARM or a x86 :/, but i don´t have :(
if i use memcache i could do it with my PIC

2011/2/4 Adam Lee <>:
> Yes.  I'm starting to feel like a broken record, but I'd like to reiterate
> that you are trying to solve problems using memcached that are better solved
> by other, existing products.  If you want a distributed lock, there are many
> options-- I use zookeeper for this.  If you want transactional nosql, take a
> look at redis.  Etc...  These products are just as easy to use (a lot of
> them even speak memcached protocol) and would fit your needs much better.
> --
> awl

Roberto Spadim
Spadim Technology / SPAEmpresarial

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